Flight Prediction results

Flight Prediction results

The Flight Prediction Results Dialog in SpaceCAD 7 provides a detailed simulation of a rocket’s flight. It is accessed by clicking the “Predict Flight” button in the main window. This dialog offers a graphical and numerical representation of key flight metrics, enabling users to evaluate the rocket’s performance and make necessary design adjustments before an actual launch.

SpaceCAD flight prediction dialog
SpaceCAD flight prediction

Key Sections and Features:

1. Graphical Flight Data (Center Panel)

  • Displays a graph of the rocket’s flight path, plotting various metrics over time.
  • Selectable Metrics:
    • Acceleration (m/s²)
    • Speed (Velocity, m/s)
    • Height (m)
    • Thrust (N)
    • Weight (g)
  • Users can toggle these metrics on or off using checkboxes in the Data Selection section (right panel).
  • The graph provides a visual representation of how each metric evolves during the flight, helping users understand rocket performance in different phases (e.g., lift-off, burnout, ejection, recovery).

2. Flight Events Log (Bottom Panel)

  • Provides a step-by-step log of key flight events such as ignition, liftoff, and parachute deployment.
  • Columns in the Flight Events Table:
    • t: Time (seconds).
    • h: Height (meters).
    • v: Velocity (m/s).
    • a: Acceleration (m/s²).
    • Weight: Weight of the rocket at the given event point.
  • Users can track specific events like:
    • Ignition
    • Lift-off
    • Engine burnout
    • Parachute ejection
    • Recovery system deployment

3. Flight Summary (Left Panel)

  • Displays an overview of the rocket’s performance, including:
    • Maximum Height: Total altitude achieved during the flight (e.g., 72.47 m).
    • Total Flight Time: Duration of the entire flight from launch to landing (e.g., 23.3 seconds).
    • Maximum Velocity: Highest speed reached (e.g., 37.99 m/s or Mach 0.11).
    • Maximum Acceleration: Peak acceleration during flight (e.g., 183.07 m/s²).
    • Landing Speed: Speed at which the rocket lands (should be low for safe recovery).
  • Engine Configuration: Details the engine used in the simulation (e.g., Estes A8).
  • Recovery System: Information about the parachute or other recovery devices used.
  • Landing Condition: An indicator showing if the landing speed is safe for recovery (e.g., green checkmark indicating OK landing speed of 4 m/s).

4. Flight and Recovery Settings (Right Panel)

  • Cd Value: Coefficient of drag, which affects the rocket’s aerodynamics. Users can adjust this value to simulate different flight conditions.
  • Ejection Delay: Sets the delay between engine burnout and parachute ejection. This is crucial for optimizing recovery and avoiding damage to the rocket.
  • Wind Settings:
    • Users can adjust wind speed and direction to simulate different launch conditions.
    • Wind data also provides information on rocket drift (e.g., how far the rocket drifts due to wind).

5. Tools Section (Right Panel)

  • Launch Site Setup: Allows users to configure launch site parameters such as altitude and temperature, which can affect the rocket’s performance.
  • Export Flight Data: Exports the flight data into external files for further analysis or record-keeping.

6. Toolbar (Top Panel)

  • Print Options:
    • Datasheet: Prints a detailed report of the flight prediction results.
    • Partlist: Prints a list of all rocket elements.
    • Parachute Pattern: Prints a template for the parachute.
  • Refresh: Recalculates the flight based on any changes made to settings (e.g., wind, recovery systems).
  • Back to Rocket: Returns to the main design window, allowing users to modify the rocket based on the simulation results.

Example Workflow:

  1. Simulating a Flight:

    • After clicking “Predict Flight,” the results dialog will display the rocket’s expected performance.
    • Users can analyze the graph to understand the rocket’s acceleration, speed, and height throughout the flight.
  2. Adjusting Recovery Systems:

    • In the Flight and Recovery section, adjust the Ejection Delay to ensure the parachute deploys at the optimal time.
    • Re-run the simulation by clicking Refresh and observe the changes in the flight path.
  3. Exporting Flight Data:

    • Once satisfied with the results, export the flight data using the Export Flight Data tool for documentation or further analysis.

Diagram Explanation:

A flowchart can be added to explain the flight simulation process:

  • Design Rocket -> Predict Flight -> Analyze Results (Graph + Log) -> Make Adjustments -> Simulate Again -> Finalize Rocket Design.

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