Recovery Device Dialog

Recovery Device Dialog

The Edit Recovery Device Dialog in SpaceCAD 7 allows users to configure the rocket’s recovery system, with options for Parachute or Streamer recovery methods. The recovery system is crucial for safely returning the rocket to the ground after flight. SpaceCAD offers advanced customization options, including the ability to set up dual parachutes (e.g., a drogue and a main chute), as well as precise control over deployment timing and conditions.

SpaceCAD parachute dialog
SpaceCAD parachute dialog

Key Fields and Features:

Recovery Device Name

  • Editable field to specify the name of the recovery device.
  • Example: “Estes 12 in. Plastic Chute” or “Streamer.”

2D Color

  • Allows users to assign a custom color to the recovery device for better visual identification in the design interface.

Load from Database

Parachute-Specific Fields (Parachute Tab):

Canopy Material

  • Defines the material of the parachute canopy (e.g., Polyethylene LDPE) by choosing it from SpaceCAD’s material database.
  • Change Button: Allows users to change the canopy material to suit their design needs (e.g., Nylon, Plastic).

Canopy Diameter

  • Specifies the diameter of the parachute’s canopy.
  • Example: A canopy diameter of 305.0 mm is typical for a standard plastic chute.

Spill Hole Diameter

  • Allows users to set the diameter of the spill hole, which helps reduce the parachute’s sway during descent.

Shroud Line Material

  • Defines the material used for the shroud lines (e.g., Carpet String). Select it from SpaceCAD’s material database.
  • Change Button: Allows users to select different materials for the shroud lines.

Number of Shroud Lines

  • Specifies the number of shroud lines used to attach the parachute to the rocket.
  • Example: Typically, 6 shroud lines are used for standard chutes.

Shroud Line Length

  • Specifies the length of each shroud line, affecting how the parachute deploys and descends.

Streamer-Specific Fields (Streamer Tab):

Streamer Length and Width

  • Specifies the length and width of the streamer for effective drag during descent.
  • Example: A length of 1,000 mm and width of 50 mm are typical dimensions for larger recovery streamers.

Streamer Material

  • Defines the material of the streamer, which affects its visibility and drag.
  • Change Button: Allows users to select materials like Mylar or plastic for the streamer.

General Fields (Both Parachute and Streamer):

Drag Coefficient (Cd-value)

  • Defines the drag coefficient of the recovery device. This value affects how much drag the device creates during descent.
  • Example: A Cd-value of 0.8 is typical for parachutes, while a streamer might use a different coefficient based on its material and size.

Deployment Settings

  • Specifies when and how the recovery device will be deployed during flight.
  • Deployment Options:
    • First Ejection: The recovery device is deployed at the first ejection charge after engine burnout. This option can be set in the flight prediction results dialog.
    • Time from Launch: Deploys the recovery device after a set time from launch.
    • Time from Apogee: Deploys the recovery device a specified time after the rocket reaches apogee (the highest point in flight).
    • Altitude after Apogee: Deploys the recovery device after the rocket descends to a certain altitude after apogee.
  • These options provide flexibility for complex setups, such as deploying a drogue parachute at apogee and a main parachute at a lower altitude.

Dual Parachute Setup

  • SpaceCAD allows users to configure up to two parachutes (e.g., a drogue chute and a main chute). This feature enables more complex recovery strategies, such as deploying a drogue parachute for stabilization during descent and a main parachute for landing at a slower speed.

Relative Distance

  • Specifies the position of the recovery device relative to the top, middle, or back of the owner element, as determined by the selected positioning method.

Internal Element Positioning

Internal elements, such as recovery devices, can be positioned relative to other rocket elements in four ways:

  • Absolute Position: The exact distance from the reference point is set and does not change.
  • Relative to Top of Owner: Position adjusts relative to the top of the rocket element that houses it.
  • Relative to Middle of Owner: Positions the device relative to the middle of the owner element.
  • Relative to Back of Owner: Positions the device relative to the back of the owning element, useful for ensuring the recovery device stays at the end of the body tube even when the tube length is adjusted.

These positioning options help maintain the correct placement when resizing the body tube or adjusting other rocket components, ensuring that devices like parachutes or streamers remain in the proper position.

16. Preview Button

  • Provides a real-time preview of the recovery device and its position within the rocket design.

17. OK and Cancel Buttons

  • OK: Saves the settings and applies the recovery device to the rocket.
  • Cancel: Closes the dialog without saving changes.

Example Workflow:

  1. Configuring a Parachute Recovery System:

    • Select the Parachute tab and set the canopy diameter to 305 mm.
    • Choose Polyethylene LDPE for the canopy material and Carpet String for the shroud lines.
    • Set the drag coefficient to 0.8 and select First Ejection for deployment.
    • Set the recovery device’s position relative to the back of the owner (e.g., the body tube) to ensure it stays at the end even if the body tube is resized.
    • Click OK to apply the parachute to the rocket design.
  2. Configuring a Complex Dual-Parachute Setup:

    • Set up a drogue parachute to deploy at apogee using the Time from Apogee option.
    • Add a second main parachute with a larger canopy to deploy at a specific altitude after apogee using the Altitude after Apogee setting.
    • Ensure both parachutes are positioned correctly by using the internal element positioning options.

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